
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Hansel and Gretel: cinematic re-imaginings of 2013

Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters was the first international fairytale film to hit cinemas in 2013.  Here are a number of other films that drew inspiration from this Grimm Brothers' fairytale and were released in the early light of 2013.

Of these, I can honestly say that I have only watched the first on this list. Based on that, I figured it would be better for me to not conjure some half baked story lines out of thin air, for you to read. Hence, the summaries are not mine but sourced from the IMDb website. Check it out at http://www.imdb.com/ for more in-depth film info. 

However, before you rush out to find, view, rent or whatever it is you happen to have in mind for these film adaptations, here is a cautionary note. While these films are loosely based on the Hansel and Gretel fairytale and happen to be on the same list as Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters, they are not necessarily of the same calibre in terms of quality, so keep an open mind if you do decide to go on a Hansel and Gretel binge.

Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters (2013)

In this spin on the fairy tale, Hansel & Gretel are now bounty hunters who track and kill witches all over the world. As the fabled Blood Moon approaches, the siblings encounter a new form of evil that might hold a secret to their past.

Director: Tommy Wirkola

Stars: Jeremy Renner, Gemma Arterton, Peter Stormare

Hansel and Gretel (2013)

Hansel and Gretel are twins a boy and a girl. In the modern times. As for "The Gingerbread House" is the name of a bakery a kindly old woman Lilith runs with her assistant Gretel, famous for the best donuts, meat pies, pastries, cupcakes, and more. Hansel a video gaming flake gets captured in the woods by a crazed family that cooks people after fattening them up, Gretel trying to save her brother also gets captured and finds out that Lilith is not all she seems, this is a amazing spin on the classic Hansel and Gretel tale with crazed people, police men, guns, gas, and a crazy oven. How do Hansel and Gretel escape do they escape? How does a witch tie into this? And you will never guess all the twist that happen that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Director: Anthony C. Ferrante

Stars: Brent Lydic, Jonathan Nation, Stephanie Greco

Hansel and Gretel: Warriors of Witchcraft (2013)

Twins discover a coven of witches. The brother is recruited to join while the sister uncovers their heritage as witch slayers. When the brother is supposed to sacrifice his sister they instead team up to destroy the Witch of the Woods.

Director: David DeCouteau

Stars: Eric Roberts, Vanessa Angel, Kathryn Collins

Hansel and Gretel Get Baked(2013)

A brother and sister battle a witch who lures teenagers into her suburban home with her special blend of marijuana where she then proceeds to kill and eat them to maintain her youth and beauty.

Director: Duane Journey

Stars: Molly C. Quinn, Lara Flynn Boyle, Lochlyn Munro

Hansel and Gretel in 3D (2013 - in development)

Okay, so this one has not yet been released but its release date is set for later this year, so I thought I'd throw it in for good measure.

Hansel and Gretel in 3D is an action packed visual FX filled version of the classic Grimm Brothers' fairytale. In addition to the infamous witch in the gingerbread house, the film showcases the legendary creatures of German mythology. These Teutonic beings will be designed by Joseph C. Pepe, the lead character designer from Avatar. The film is live action.

Studio: The Institute

Happy viewing my fellow faerlie accultured creatures.

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